The first way is that you can get to Sheila's level.The thing is that I have thrown away to find an image on the internet and burn it, but I did not know what I was getting into: it turns out that Spyro 3 has the most damned copy system I have ever seen in my life, and it works in two ways: I have tried to copy it with imgburn to a blank CD, but I could not because even the program gives me a reading error of 99% (well, reading or so I imagine, you have a screenshot of what comes out below: https: // / tutorial / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / error.png The thing is that I have tried to use the original copy that I have at home, but it does not go beyond the Playstation logo because it is already super-shiny. I wish I could play Spyro 3 again because it has given me a shot to relive my childhood. Good afternoon everyone, I hope you can help me because I am desperate.